HANNAH-ROSE ❝ personal · fashion · blog ❞   |   about  ·   twitter   ·   tumblr  ·   youtube   · follow

meet the blogger
♡ Hai, I'm Hannah-Rose, but you can call me Han. I'm a red-headed, fashion-addicted, smol adult obsessed with vintage clothing, horror movies, and small things. I spend my days dancing, writing, drinking tea, and wishing I were born in a past decade. My polaroid camera is my best friend. || Basically, I'm the love child of Winona Ryder and David Bowie. xx


04/13/17 Kyle concert
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tags will come here eventually.



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All content by Hannah-Rose.

  january 27 || let's get professional
Hello again!

Quite a bit has happened since I've last posted on here.  For starters, I became a writer and editor for The Odyssey Online, but I'm currently on a bit of a hiatus and will return to writing articles very soon.  I've also been heavily occupied with college and my job.  As part of a college course I will be adding in my authorial identity, updating my biography, and dropping in material I have written, specifically poetry and articles posted on different sites.  My goal is to make this site a platform for my projects and written material along with my current blogs on fashion and subjects near and dear to my heart.

This blog needs a lot of plastic surgery but, once I start to tweak everything, it'll all come together.  For now, I have a link to some of my work, which you can find HERE.  I would edit the layout of this blog, but due to how old this coding is, I think I need more time to sit down and edit and add links and content.

There's more to come very soon.  

Thank you for reading!

xx han
  first post || a self-interview

About Me


(cheers for webcam pics)

 My name is Hannah-Rose, but you can call me Han.  I currently reside in the United States, specifically the northeast.  I'm the palest, blood red-headed goth dad on the planet.  I am the love child of Winona Ryder and David Bowie.  I am finishing up my sophomore year of college (unless it kills me first).  I drink an unsweetened iced green tea just about every single day of my life.  I find happiness in acting, dance, yoga, writing, cheerleading, and shopping (that’s a hobby, right?).  I'm usually working on a screenplay or my novel, if I'm not swamped with school or any of my hobbies listed above.  My polaroid goes almost everywhere with me.  I hate the sun and the heat.  I've been a vegan for almost five years, and I live for adventures and adrenaline rushes.  ☆彡 

Birthday: August 18th, 1997.

Height: 5'8" (why not).
Likes: The 80s, music, fashion, horror movies, lace, pastels, vintage clothing, photography, dancing, tattoos, tea, green tea, anime, yoga, cheerleading, bubble baths, writing, acting, poetry, soup, bath bombs, piercings, Rilakkuma, lavender-scented things, bows, fairies, sand, dolphins, nighttime, mermaids, seashells, indie music, oversized clothing, sweaters, the sound of rain, Shih Tzus, Ned Vizzini novels, candids, sushi, dark humor.

Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, copiers, meat, ignorant people, arrogant people, the color orange, eggs, dairy products, fuckbois, lewd language, when something is too expensive.


On this blog I will be posting OOTDs, DIYs, personal adventures/photo diaries, mood boards/inspiration boards, reviews of shops and beauty products, what's rad and where to buy it, and a bunch of other things that will eventually fill this blog.

That's about all I can think of for now, which is enough.  I'm excited to FINALLY start a new blog (after deleting my old one back in 2013), and I hope you all have fun seeing the world through my pale blue eyes.  

xx han

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